The Emotional Body:
Energetic Self-Regulation through Akashic Records, Taoist Stone Medicine and Intuitive Development™
Sometimes feel emotionally volatile? Overly-reactive? Unable to regulate your emotions effectively in all situations?
This class is designed to help you effectively and strategically identify, release, manage and optimize emotional states. Cultivate emotionally balanced friend and partner relationships, create emotional integrity for professional advancement, and cultivate an optimum emotional body to support on-going vitality and future health! This class intersects ancient wisdom and modern science to provide effective, strategic and targeted techniques, skills, processes and meditations that will bring your emotional body into the highest of integrity.
Emotional Body Identification
- Learn to identify and manage your illusive and energetic emotional body within The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Build emotive-intuitive skills and discern energetic qualities of the emotional body
- Develop advanced somatic, cognitive, energetic and vibratory schematics.
- Cultivate energetic processes to identify, neutralize and regulate the emotional body.
Akashic Records, Karma and Soul Purpose
Advance intuitive skills as you open and access key Akashic records; explore your emotional karmic and soul purpose journey. Identify, release and reprogram your emotional body in the field of Akashic time and space while advancing your future evolution.
Buddhism and Neurobiology
Explore the power of Buddhist awareness-based techniques and principles through the richness and power of observational spatial neutrality within the context of modern neurobiological processes. Learn effective and targeted process that enable heightened awareness for emotional body regulation.
Taoist Stone Medicine
Learn ancient internal alchemical practices within traditional Chinese and Taoist stone medicine associated with the Fusion of the 5 Elements. Discover specificextractive and harmonizing stones associated with emotional release and energetic emotional body optimization. Learn layered stone vibrations, meridian based maps/charts for stone body healing, how to create safe and effective crystal stone elixirs and tonics for emotional release, harmony and regulation.
This class is packed with diverse yet integrative techniques, skills and processes that will provide lifelong skills for emotional balancing. Create a strong and solid personal and professional foundation upon which you may grow the evolutionary self. This class takes you into your personally designed future emotional body through heightened intuitive self-awareness, cultivation, integration and expansion. Share your learning with family and friends!
- Identify and work with the illusive Emotional Body
- Emotional self-regulatory emotional processes
- Access and keys to Akashic Records
- Working with Akashic time/space dimensions for future programming and access
- Cultivating psychophysiologic coherence
- Develop clear intentions for future emotional self
- Emotional pathways for manifestation and cultivation
- Learning to use Chinese/Taoist Stone medicine for emotional regulation
- SOBR™ technique for effective emotional management
- Shift negative emotions, thinking and behaviours for greater more positive outcomes at work, home and in relationships.
- Cultivate greater emotional compassion for self and others through increased self-regulation.
- Develop greater emotional regulation and shift out of frustration, anger and resentment.
- Cultivate deeper happiness, personal satisfaction and develop an evolutionary lens of perspective.
- Develop an emotional body to support vitality and health.
The Emotional Body: Self-Regulation through Akashic Records,
Taoist Stone Medicine and Intuitive Development
A Weekend Intensive
Dates: November 10 + 11, 10-5:00 pm, 2018
Program Includes: Extensive program materials, energetic meditations, psychoenergetic processes, sacred space.
Location: Yonge and Davisville/Eglinton, Glebe Road United Church, 20 Glebe Road, Toronto
Tuition: Early Bird Offer: $389 + tax: $425 after October 10: Students/Seniors: $189 + tax.
416-322-3334 or
Activate Your HeartBrain:
An Energetic and Spiritual Intensive©
October 16, 23, 30 + November 6, 7-9:30 pm, 2018
In this sequential four evening transformational workshop activate and evolve your heart-brain connection through advanced metaphysical initiations.
This sacred meditation-based class guides you into the hidden nature of your own Being by identifying energetic layers that make up your unique energetic heart and brain signature. Each week we build new energetic processes, opening and deepening into both heart and brain consciousness. Advanced energetic connections restructure your energetic body into an evolved heart-thinking Being.
Explorations of the world's heart traditions from Sufi, Taoist, Egyptian Mysteries and Shamanic work to Rudolf Steiner's prophetic indications, create a platform for deep remembering, activation and energetic cultivation. Rich cultural tapestries woven from external literary and artistic reflections provide a platform for deep internal alchemical processes of the heart. This is a gentle and sacred alchemical union with Self as part of an evolving HeartBrain evolution.
- To engage powerful inner transformations
- Ancient metaphysical secrets and embedded prophetic writings activated through initiatory meditations.
- Modern scientific discoveries of heart brain science.
- To identify, connect and cultivate fluid HeartThinking skills for greater happiness, self regulation and compassion.
- Evolutionary meditations that restructure an advanced energetic body.
- Greater health, wellness, emotional self-regulation and happiness.
- Positive heart thinking for work, home and relationships by transforming old emotions, thinking and behaviours.
- Greater emotional regulation and increased compassion byshifting frustration, anger and resentment.
- Deepen and advance your spiritual connection and alignment.
- Develop an advanced evolutionary body and future lens of perspective.
Evolve your energetic Being into your future human.
Activate Your HeartBrain:
An Energetic & Spiritual Intensive©
A Four-Part Evening Series
Dates: October 16, 23, 30 + November 6, 7-9:30 pm, 2018
Program Includes: Program manual with metaphysical, spiritual and energetic meditations; psychoenergetic processes.
Location: Yonge and Eglinton: Eglinton St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd., Toronto
Early Bird Offer before October 10: $389 + tax: After $425 + tax: Students/Seniors: $189 + tax
RESERVE: 416-322-3334

Energetic Archetypes:
Advance Your Future Self©
October 21 + 22, 2018
How do you "run” your energy?
What is your Energetic Signature - Profile?
Explore your energetic personality profile, chakra and biofield signature through energetic awareness states. This convergence of elements is cultivated through experiential somatic and spiritual meditation processes. Work with the plenum of raw archetypal energy as we create our future Beings.
Discover your karmic life imprints. What ways do we emotionally and psychologically think, behave, respond and how are they related to who we have become as Archetypes? What is your energetic profile? Discover how you "run your energy" and how best to "manage your own unique energetic field."
Energetic and Intuitive Q's:
- Are you a sensitive and feel other people's energy?
- Do you have a sense about someone without even meeting them?
- Do you feel like you pick up other people's energy - are sometimes not sure about your own energetic boundaries?
- Do you sometimes feel disconnected from yourself - out of your body?
- Perhaps you live deeply in your own personal space or feel distant or disconnected from others?
- What is your "real" connection to your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies?
- What are your personal dynamic interrelationships between your subtle bodies - are you separate, distant - connected, integrated?
If you have ever wondered about any one of these questions and many more - this workshop experience is for you! This two-day weekend intensive explores psychodynamic and personality profile tools and the significant influence on our energy field. Everyone is unique - possessing individualized energetic profile based on a variety of personality and developmental factors.
Our human energy fields are built on past life karma, childhood experience, trauma, behaviours over time and a lifetime of psychoemotional and physical experiences. Explore dimensions of personality, archetypes, behaviour, trauma, karma and relationships, as we elegantly cultivate our future energetic Archetype!
We provide effective tools to shift and adjust your energetic field for optimal physical and psychoemotional health as you create conscious energetic and emotional boundaries with understanding and intelligence.
Playful, fun and exploratory - this workshop is designed to guide you through effective processes towards understanding the quality of your life as experienced through the interrelationship of energy, emotion, personality and the Archetypes.
Join this innovative energy medicine workshop and be part of newly emergent energetic selves in the world!
- Experiential processes to determine one's energy field and signature
- Interrelationships between personality profiles and energetic signatures - what to avoid and how to balance your own energy
- Correlating Energetics to Archetypes
- Conscious awareness, identification and separation from emotional trauma, noise, other people's energy
- Targeted processes to harmonize and balance a variety of energetic signatures
- Assess and understand where and how emotions and psychological states emerge in your energy/somatic body and their Archetypal connection
- Timelines
- Developing fortified aura (biofield) for greater health and happiness
- Greater energetic, cognitive and emotional understanding of the patterns of "how you run your energy"
- Establishing healthy "energetic boundary" states
- Cultivating processes to shift your energetic states to reharmonize all aspects of your being
- Greater emotional compassion for self and others through increased energetic awareness and self-regulation.
- Shifting out of states of overwhelm, emotional fatigue, frustration, anger, resentment states.
- Processes for greater happiness, love, personal satisfaction
- Identifying energetic patterns in others and how to …
- Creating and advancing Archetypal future masks
- Experiencing profound energetic and spiritual shifts as you step more deeply into your personal evolution
Energetic Archetypes: Advance Your Future Self©
Weekend Workshop Includes: Program Manual, Personality Profile Questionnaires, Energetic Schematics, Spiritual and Energetic Meditations, Targeted Psychoenergetic Healing Processes, Integrated Chakra and Biofield Field Healing Modalities
Dates: October 21 + 22, 2018
Location: Yonge and Davisville/Eglinton, Glebe Road United Church, 20 Glebe Road, Toronto
Tuition: Early Bird Offer before October 10, $389 + tax; $425 after; Students/Seniors 65+ $189 + tax.
RESERVE: 416-322-3334 or