The image says it all. Relax and kick back. This is time for you. We create sacred space that is your time...for your healing. If you have some things you want to talk about write them down in advance. Keep a pen and paper handy for our session as you may want to jot down some ideas, processes, percolations and healing techniques.
If possible, see that you have a quiet space all for yourself. Again, if possible, please turn off all your extraneous communication devices. Ask that you not be interrupted or disturbed and send out an email or text to friends and family asking that you not be interrupted prior to or during your session.
If you are knowledgeable about grounding techniques, feel free to begin a grounding prior to calling in. If you are using visual communication, we ask that your phone, computer or iPad be placed on a stable desk and not on your lap. The connection responds to various energy frequencies and when touching your body may become unstable!
During a session your body temperature may fluctuate in temperature. Keep a blanket, pashmina or sweater close by in case you body temperature lowers. Conversely, you may experience a heating of the body. These are all normal reactions to the movement of energy. As well, have a glass of water or tea with you for our session. Energetic movement requires energy and can dehydrate.
Finally, there have been many studies done on how healing works. If you are fluid and open, willing to actively co-participate in achieving your stated goals, your healing outcome will be that much greater. Remember the old adage, "that which you resist, persists." So, be in the flow, align your energies or at least your highest intentions with yourself. Your spirit will take care of the rest...
Love and light,