Intuitive psychoenergetic work is fluid, dynamic and complex. As we set out to meet your healing objectives we do so guided by spiritual guidance, yours and that of the energy practitioner. Our energetic process gets to the root of the issue as we work beyond and into the layers of energy blocks which must be addressed and dealt with in varying ways. In order to address the underlying causation of physical, emotional or psychological ailments it is often necessary to unveil and discover each one of the layers that is holding a certain condition in place. As every client is unique and individual, every situation is tailored to meet and address the unique experiences, processes and histories of that person. Locating and addressing the origin of a dis-ease condition is often essential for long term healing. In order to provide lasting long term results we address the layers of energy fields and emotions that may be holding disharmonious energetic trauma within the system. In addressing these various subtle energy layers and "going through them" in process, lasting change may occur. Everyone also has their own life contracts and timelines to honour. Change can happen very rapidly - instantaneously, and change may also appear incremently over time. We honour the healing time and pace of change which is as unique as the situation and each individual. An energy intuitive works to the highest guidance level and provides a platform for healing to occur. Thereafter, it is the individual's own spirit that works in conjunction with the higher subtle energy realm for healing. It is essential to honour your own timing for healing. Love of the self is an essential ingredient for all energy healing processes to occur.
Quiet Time
Often sessions begin in a quite place and with a process of grounding. We ask clients to take 5-10 minutes out prior to a session to deepen their awareness, practice their grounding and allow the day's thoughts to pass away. In lowering one's energy frequency, deeper energy work may occur. It is in the client's best interest to get into this more aware state, thus allowing them also to have the opportunity to more actively share and feel the energy work being done.
If you are a new client, just relax and enjoy the process as we guide you step by step through some easy techniques which will be relaxing and ultimately a great health benefit to you.
Opening a Session
In order to link into your energy field, we may ask that you sign in with your name a few times. This allows the healer to link into your energy field and energy signature. During the set up process your energy practitioner will set up a sacred space for you both to work in. Sometimes this takes a few moments of quiet. Just relax and enjoy the set up process.
When emotional blocks are lifted, energy shifted or removed, cords broken, and contracts revised and updated, shifts in the entire energy system of your being occur. You may experience tingling, well being, fulfillment, increased energy or tiredness and even possibly exhaustion. When working deeply, you may feel energetically exhalted or like you just ran a marathon! This is a wonderful sign and means that old stagnant energy is moving out of your system.
Depending upon the work we are doing together, clients may also experience variations in relationships with others as well. When we work dynamically or on relationship issues such as reclaiming our own energy or giving back people their energy, we are shifting the nature of these energetic relationships. You will observe that these old or habituated energetic relationships shift in accordance with the work we do.
Skype Sessions - Comfort in your home
One of the reasons that skype sessions work so well, is that they provide the client an opportunity to be in a comfortable space and to be able to hold and integrate the energy work done in a session. Sometimes we recommend just having a short rest immediately after a session to allow the high resonant vibrational work to more fully integrate into your being. Skype sessions allow you to shift from your home office to a comfy couch!
Like a massage, energy work is also releasing all sorts of toxins and other kinds of energies from your system. We recommend drinking lots of water and staying hydrated after the sesion. Water is a salient medium that allows toxins to leave the body more rapidly. An epsom salt bath in the evening will further eliminate toxins from your physical and auric body as well.
Sometimes we are not eradicating energy, but creating a higher velocity and running high frequency healing energy through your body and subtle energy field. In this case, the feeling can be incredibly wonderful and lifting. Again, after our session if you can take the opportunity to relax and allow your body to fully integrate and be with these high healing light body energies, you will have the opportunity to enjoy and extend the healing.